ERAS® Program for Institutions

A group of diverse medical professionals <a href=interact with brand text overlay stating ERAS Future in Focus" width="850" height="472" />

The ERAS team is prioritizing selection tools, data analytics, and thought leadership and research to support the transition to residency in a fair and equitable way. We are focused on the future and helping to build tomorrow’s physician workforce.

The Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®) streamlines the residency application process for applicants, Designated Dean's Offices, letter of recommendation authors, and program directors.

The ERAS suite of selection tools serves the needs of all groups involved in the residency and fellowship application processes and transmits applications to programs impartially and securely.

Quick Links to the ERAS Applications

A team of doctors looking at some lab results together on monitors, in an office at the hospital.

Training programs can receive and view applications and supporting documents.

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LoR authors can submit letters to support applications submitted through the MyERAS® application.

Counselor listens to the young adult and takes notes for their next meeting.

Designated Dean’s Offices can upload medical school transcripts and medical school performance evaluations (MSPEs) to support their students’ MyERAS® applications.