View the manual for the LG AN-MR650A here, for free. This manual comes under the category remote controllers and has been rated by 3 people with an average of a 8.8. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the LG AN-MR650A or do you need help? Ask your question here
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Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the LG AN-MR650A.
The LG AN-MR650A is a remote controller specifically designed for use with LG UJ63 compatible products. It operates using RF wireless technology, providing a reliable and convenient means of controlling various devices. This remote controller is classified as universal, meaning it can be used with multiple devices within the LG brand lineup. With its compact design, the LG AN-MR650A weighs approximately 107.7 grams and has dimensions of 48.32 mm in width, 184.85 mm in depth, and 40.51 mm in height. The slim and lightweight construction makes it comfortable to hold and operate for extended periods of time. The remote control features a traditional button interface, allowing users to press buttons to input commands and navigate through various functions and settings. Although it does not have a built-in display, the button layout is intuitive and user-friendly. Unfortunately, the LG AN-MR650A remote controller is not rechargeable. This means users will need to rely on traditional batteries to power the device. In summary, the LG AN-MR650A remote controller is a compatible, RF wireless interface designed for universal use with LG UJ63 products. With its lightweight and compact design, it enables users to conveniently control their devices using a press button input. Although it lacks a built-in display and does not have rechargeable capabilities, it offers a reliable and user-friendly remote control solution.